Latest News
- British Water Yolanda Aguilera, who completed her ATWARM fellowship at Cranfield University, will soon move on to ... [more]
- Moving on from ATWARM Our congratulations goes to Zahra Gholamvand, who will continue her research into photocatalysis as ... [more]

ATWARM (Advanced Technologies for Water Resource Management) is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded by the EC FP7 People Programme.
With a maximum grant of € 3.5 million, ATWARM will run for a period of 4 years - from 1st December 2009 until 30th November 2013.
ATWARM has 7 Network Partners in the UK, Germany and Ireland, and is coordinated by the QUESTOR Centre at Queen's University Belfast (UK).
The fundamental objective of the ATWARM ITN is to enhance the career prospects of 16 young researchers by providing them with greatly enhanced scientific and technical knowledge as well as multidisciplinary skills and business aptitudes that will contribute to security of water quality and quantity for future generations within the EU.
See the ATWARM blog at

ATWARM International Conference 2013
Presentations and photographs from the conference are available to view here.
"Water - The Greatest Global Challenge"
May 14th - 16th 2013 | Dublin City University
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